Official arduino usb host shield
Official arduino usb host shield

official arduino usb host shield

Protocol: 01 Intf.string: 00 Unknown descriptor: Length: 11 Type: 21 Contents:Đ001012581140000000013010800000705 Endpoint descriptor: Endpoint address:Ę1 Attr.: 03 Max.pkt size: 0020 Polling interval:Đ4 Endpoint descriptor: Endpoint address:Đ1 Attr.: 03 Max.pkt size: 0020 Polling interval:Đ8 Interface descriptor: Intf.number: 01 Alt.: 00 Endpoints: 04 Intf. You should see a message like this: 01 - Device descriptor: Descriptor Length:đ2 Descriptor type:Đ1 USB version: 0200 Device class: FF Device Subclass:ğF Device Protocol:ğF Max.packet size:Đ8 Vendor ID: 045E Product ID: 028E Revision ID: 0114 Mfg.string index:Đ1 Prod.string index:Đ2 Serial number index:Đ3 Number of conf.:Đ1 Configuration descriptor: Total length: 0099 Num.intf: 04 Conf.value: 01 Conf.string: 00 Attr.: A0 Max.pwr: FA Interface descriptor: Intf.number: 00 Alt.: 00 Endpoints: 02 Intf. Note: You can't hot-plug your USB device (at least in the examples), you need to reset the board each times you unplug, plug your device.

Official arduino usb host shield