Other vocals introduced with the program's release were Suzuki Tsudumi, a close girl friend of Sasara's, and a young man named Takahashi that was introduced as a senior to Sasara, who she felt was more of an older brother figure than friend. Satou Sasara can do both, but she does not come free, and both capabilities must be purchased. Some vocals are exclusive to singing, and some exclusive to talking.

The face of this Singing Synthesizer is known as Satou Sasara, a brown haired girl you'll be seeing a lot of on the home page. What's unique about this Singing Synthesizer is that it is also capable of Speech Synthesis, and the initially introduced characters featured at least 3 different talking voices each. I recommend you buy vocals on the Vector PC Shop due to hassle rakuten tends to give about foreign credit cards. Don't be intimidated by the Japanese, it's quite easy to navigate. There are links to the shop on the advertisements to the right. Most vocals cost money, approximately $40~$70 per voice. You can visit the home page here, the Studio is free to download. "CeVIO" is actually pronounced "Cheh-vee-oh", not "Seh-vee-oh". CeVIO Creative Studio is a Japanese Singing and Speech Synthesis Workshop.